The product of more than 50 years of German design and innovation, it unites the functions of over 10 kitchen appliances into one compact unit. Thermomix will amaze you with its ability to chop, beat, mix, whip, grind, knead, mince, grate, juice, blend, heat, stir, steam and weigh food.

Nov 29, 2011

Cheese pate. Reteta Thermomix TM31

Total time: 7 minutes cooking and 3 hours cooling.
100 gr blue cheese
100 gr cream cheese (Philadelphia’s type)
100 gr Dalia Cheese or any other kind of cheese
20   gr Brandy
80   gr Cream

1.- Place all ingredients except the blue cheese into mixing bowl and grind for 40 secs/speed 8.
2.- Add blue Cheese into mixing bowl  and blend for 6 minutes/90º/speed 5.
3.- Taste and adjust seasoning. (Salt needed will depend on variety of blue cheese used.)
4.- Cool it in the fridge for at least 3 hours

Serve with bread, crackers, pickles, crude vegetables or as part of an antipasto platter. Enjoy it!!!

Tip: You can add some nuts inside or on top as decoration.

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